Hakeem Baqa-ullah was one of the dignified personalities of Iran and had experience in TIBBE-UNANI and was an expert in Hikmat. He was descended from a distinguished line of physicians who had come to India during the reign of a Mughal Emperor. His family was all Unani doctors who had practised this ancient form of medicine since their arrival in the country. He was a physician to the Mughal Emperor, built a hospital, and promoted Unani medicine. He took great interest in the expansion and development of the native system of Unani medicine .
He was sensible & thoughtful. Baqai Family is named after him. His untiring efforts in this field infused a new force and life into the Unani medical system. He was also a part of literature. His book KARABADEEN-E-BAQAI holds a famous place.
Unfortunately, British Govt. Introduced allopathy and created conspiracies against Unani. At that moment Hakeem Ajmal Khan, the lover of Unani Tibb defeated conspiracies.
But when allopathic treatment started to show unfavourable affect people tend to move towards herbal treatment. Hakeem Muneeruddin Baqai in Delhi and his son Hakeem Shareefuddin Baqai started BAQAI DAWAKHANA in 1930. He was reputed to effect miraculous cures and to have possessed a “magical” medicine chest, the secrets of which were known to him alone. Such was his medical acumen that it is said that he could diagnose any illness by just looking at a person’s face.
BAQAI DAWAKHANA proved to be the most outstanding and multifaceted personality of his era with matchless contributions to the causes of Indian independence, national integration, and communal harmony. Their noble vision was to bring happiness and growth to society through the development of education, services, and health care.
Now with great efforts of Hakeem Aziz-ur-Rahman Baqai and Hakeem Uzair Baqai, in Medicine and Medical Research with the object of promoting education and research in the history of medicine, this old vision is continued.
Hakeem Aziz-ur-rehman baqai and Hakeem uzair baqai gave valuable contribution to promote the cause of education, health and social service and personal qualities of sacrifice, devotion and commitment and became an owner of very useful products.
These are the areas of expertise in Unani medicine.
- General Health care. (Aam Jismani Kamzori)
- Digestive care (Amraze Nizame Hazm.)
- Respiratory care (Amraze Tanaffus)
- Hair & Skin care (Amraze Shaar wa Jild)
- Joint care (Amraze Muffasil)
- Women & fertility (Amraze Niswan wa Qabalat)
- Men care (Amraze Mardana)
- Heart care (Amraze Qalb)
- Kidney & Urinary Bladder (Amraze Gurda wa Masana)
With the latest technology Hakeem Azizur-Rehman (Chairman) and Hakeem Uzair Baqai (Managing Director) are running BAQAI DAWAKHANA PVT. LTD, fulfilling all the rules & regulations with lots of achievements & medicine.